Let The Joy Arise
इसी पल योग्य तरीके से जीना सीखें
असीम आनंद स्वयं ही आयेगा..
“learn to live rightly in the moment
let the joy arise…”
We are given only one moment at a time, so to live rightly one needs only to know how to live rightly in the moment. One need not worry about the whole life. If you can take care of the present moment you have taken care of your whole life; then everything will fall into line by itself. If the now is beautiful you have opened the door of the shrine – everything will be beautiful and more beautiful every moment because the next moment is born out of this moment.
अपनी अनंत शक्तिओ से परिचित हो जाआ
“Become aware of your immense potential”
You can reach a height of the body from where you can have a glimpse of the soul. You will experience that you are not the body and that you are something else. And that is the real joy. Design your future full of Joy and peace Sharpen your insight far from your body, mind and senses. Be friendly with your soul. There lies an immense treasure waiting for you.